2 weeks of BB, now other stuff

So I did 2-3 weeks of Body Beast, and found myself wanting to lift some heavier weights/less volume. So I’m switching for now back to the plan I had put in the blog a few months ago.

Yesterday was lower body.

Started off with some Goblet squats for warmup.

3x Hang Power Cleans Working up to 3×105. Still felt pretty light.

Then I did a back squat, quickly working up to 3×185. I should be able to keep moving that up for a little while, then play with some different loadings (up to at least 3×225).

I did ab wheel, and some other ab work. Some sets up push ups, some foam rolling, and some KB cleans from the floor (not in that order).

It felt good to move some heavier weights… something more than 50 pounds dumbells.

Think this workout will actually get me some more conditioning time in.

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